What is review fraud?

CarGurus takes transparency seriously. Dealership reviews are a vital tool for shoppers to be able to evaluate a car deal on our website; as such, we work hard to make sure that all dealer reviews are honest representations of real customer experiences.

Review fraud is defined as any deliberate attempt to either promote a business or negatively affect the reputation of another dealership through the use of the CarGurus sales reviews. 

Dealers may be committing review fraud when:
  • Impersonating a shopper in order to review the dealership they own/work for
  • Asking a friend to submit a review on their behalf
  • Hiring third party reputation services to create false reviews
  • Incentivizing customers to write review via discounts or cash rewards

CarGurus is committed to providing a transparent shopping experience to our users. If review fraud is detected, dealerships may be penalized accordingly.

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